Saturday, July 17, 2010

19 Months Old

Saturday, July 17, 2010
19 Months old

Alexa is proud to announce ...

that in

February 2011

she is going to be a


Alexa loves saying "baby" and kissing
and hugging mommy's belly!!!

These last few months have been a lot of fun
with Alexa. Her vocabulary is expanding each day
and it is rather amusing to listen to her talk!
She loves saying "suse you dada" whenever he
burps, clears his throat,
coughs, sneezes, hiccups, etc.

She has gotten really good at her
"pease" ... a.k.a. please and
"tank you" ... a.k.a.
thank you and now even adds the name
of the person she is referring to after
her "pease" and "tank you".

She is a very independent little girl with a mind
of her own. Her favorite words that we here a
lot of are "No", "Nooo", and "No No".

She still at times wakes in the middle of the night,
crying to the point where I have to go in and
settle her back down. Her response to me
"night night all done". Even in the wee hours of
the night, I have to admit I do get a chuckle out
of it while assuring her that
night night is FAR from over!

I am still amazed each month with all her new
accomplishments, achievements, and milestones!

Looking forward to another month being
at home with my baby girl!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

18 Months Old

Thursday, June 17, 2010
18 months old

1 1/2 years - where has the time gone??

Alexa's favorite necklace.

One happy girl!

"Please stop bothering me
mommy. I am reading."

The Obsession w/ Books Continues...

Alexa continues to love looking at books and being
read to. When you ask her where something
is on each page, she will point right to it.
Between Barney and Elmo,
Alexa is quite content!

And then there is the ice cream book.
She has to find the "hee hee pop" - a.k.a.
popsicle on each page.

Most of her words are very clear and we can
understand what it is she is saying or asking for
very well when she talks. However
popsicle - not so much. Alexa's version
of popsicle - "hee hee pop".

If Alexa is not sitting in her chair, then she
will plop herself in our lap with a
book in hand!

Monday, May 17, 2010

17 Months Old

Monday, May 17, 2010
17 Months Old

Where has the time gone? My baby has
her first 4 Wheeler and is old enough
to drive it all by herself.

It's scary for me to think and say this, but Alexa
has absolutely no fear these days. In her eyes,
the sky is the limit. What is amazing to me is how
much she learns each day.

Her vocabulary
increases daily as she repeats things we say and
is putting 2 and 3 words together now.

She is very determined.
When she wants something,
she will go to the extreme to figure out
how to get it or make it work.

She is the light of our lives!

Obsessed with Slides

We don't have our real play-set just yet.
I am still trying to design the one I want as the
last quote I received was for over $10,000.

Needless to say, I was told to go back to the
drawing board. I am trying to make some
decisions quickly though, because this thing
below, isn't going to cut it much longer.
"Here I come Mommy."

"One, two, threeeeee."

Tractor Ride

Going outside these days, results in a walk
to the shed, lots of banging on the shed door, and
screaming "cactor"... a.k.a. tractor.

Alexa quickly figured out that she has to "try" and
lift the handle to open the door.

And then she climbs aboard.

With the nicer weather these days, the tractor has
had many miles around the driveway!

When mommy has had enough, I tell Alexa that
the tractor is all done. So Alexa puts her hands
up and says "all done, bye bye cactor"
with lots of waving.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

16 Months Old

Saturday, April 17, 2010
16 Months Old

Spring Break - Myrtle Beach
In route to our destination. In the picture below we had
about 2 hours left before arriving at our resort.

Alexa's nap in the car. We looked back to see if Alexa
had fallen asleep only to find this...

She really is used to sleeping in the dark.

I was planning on getting her "monthly birthday picture" once
we got here since of course they always HAVE to be
on her actual b-day - but that obviously didn't happen.
So these pictures will have to do until I post pictures
from our vacation. Having 10 days here, I am sure I will
get a few that I will be able to post.