Friday, July 17, 2009


We have been working VERY hard on learning patty-cake.
When we first started, we would sing and clap Alexa's
hands for her...she would laugh hysterically.
At times when she was fussy, we would resort to this game,
and like magic, the fussiness disappeared!
Now, Alexa will clap her own hands when you sing patty-cake to her.
We sing, she claps.


It amazes me how much this little pint-sized peanut can take
in and absorb everyday. Each day brings new discoveries
and growth. I am simply trying to take it all in and cherish every
moment. It is honestly very hard watching her grow up so
quickly! She has her own little personality and boy when she
wants something she is bound and determined to figure
out how to get it or make it work! I can honestly say, I don't know
where Rob and I would be without her...
she brings pure joy to our lives everyday!

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