This show is first come first serve in terms of seating. Because we hit the Sea Lion show before hand and this show was about to start, we didn't think it was worth going to stand in line only to find ourselves in seats so far in the back that Alexa would not be able to see. But, we headed in the direction of this show anyways, just to see what the line looked like.

Well, believe it or not - this kind of luck does not
happen to the Mattoon's...especially us!
As we were walking to this building, I saw a
line of about 20 people under and over hang to
a building. (Little did I know it was the building
the show was in). I asked the man at the end
of the line if he was waiting for the "Count and Elmo
" show. He said yes, so we got in line shocked to
see only about 20 people ahead of us. Instantly,
the line starts moving and we are
led into the building. With soo few people in the
building, we sat in the middle 5 rows up.
Once we were all seated, I looked around and
asked Rob, why so few people were in this
enormous room for a show. The person behind
us must have heard me and said "they open
the other side of the doors for admittance
10 minutes after we are seated...we are
preferred seating". Well, good thing the guy
who let us in didn't ask to see any proof cuz
we had nothing! Just happened to
get in the wrong line!!! Good thing too,
because the place was packed!!